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Pod Your Reef

Live sand only?


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Hello all


I'm planning on building my first nano reef using a 5 gallon glass tank.


Here is my plan based on what I read on this website:


A 5 gallon glass tank

75 watt Ebo Jager Heater

Marineland Powerhead 550

Slimline Saltwater Light Fixture With 50/50 Lamp

Aquarium Systems - Hydrometer

Red Sea Fish pHarm Coral Reef Red Sea Salt

Filtration method Natural: Live rock & Sand


Here is my question:


For a 5 gallon tank when they say to add my Live rock & sand do I just use live sand or can/should I mix it with normal sand?


I plan on using 5 pounds of live rock and 3 pounds of live sand to start. So should I mix in some reg sand or just use live stuff?


Thanks for all the help



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