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maybe i used the wrong wording. lol What I mean is if in the future I needed to bring the ph up or down...or Kalkwasser? seen people use kalkwasser on forums...sorry I'm a newbee....even though we've been researching for over a year now I'm still learning new things everyday online.

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The kent Superbuffer dKH is WAY more potent than SeaChem 8.3!


I just went though about half a jug of the SeaChem pH 8.3 in couple months and was never able to get my alk above 10 dKh. After one week with the Superbuffer dKh...I'm at 14 and holding.


You really shouldn't have to worry about lowering your pH unless you jack something up. Some people use vinegar to lower the pH, but that can "supercharge" bacterial growth. Sometimes it is best to let the pH drop naturally.


I would wait until you feel comfortable testing and dosing before you start using Kalk or anything for that matter. More so than any other calcium or buffering agent....Kalk can kill a tank quick if dosed wrong.

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