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Coral Vue Hydros

Chromodoris boucheti,sea slug, any info?


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trying to find out if this thing is going to be reef safe or not, sounds like it eats algae and sponges, but not sure. for 10 bucks i think ill try him out, as they are a very beautiful blue/black with yellow rhinophores and gills

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The LFS said the same thing, yet according to the Baensch Marine Atlas 2 the Chromodoris species are not possible to be kept in captivity for extended periods. Their picky feeding habits have not been documented well enough to make sure you are giving it what it needs. Be sure not to touch it, as those tufts can retract and let out a nasty sting. Some similar species feed only on certain sponges, not sustainable in captivity...


Not all nidis are like this. Other genus types tend to feed on corals (not enough to notice), others on plankton & rotifers, and my personal favorite...the algae eating ones like 'Clyde' here below...

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You should see if you can take them back, they will certainly die in your tank.


Undertheradar is right, even if you have sponges for them to eat they will only eat certain species of sponge. If you put them both in your 10 gallon you should get rid of them soon, before they start to shrink. I'm not sure what a pair of dying nudibranchs would do to your tank, but I'm pretty sure you don't want to find out.

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oh, sorry, i did not put them in the nano, i put them into the 46 bow, they seem to be going after the algae, as well as some of my red protozoan colonies and the sponges on the rocks. we will see, but im not about to take them back to a store where i know there is no sponges for them to eat, they will dye there for sure, at least they have a chance in my tank

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oh, sorry, i did not put them in the nano, i put them into the 46 bow, they seem to be going after the algae, as well as some of my red protozoan colonies and the sponges on the rocks. we will see, but im not about to take them back to a store where i know there is no sponges for them to eat, they will dye there for sure, at least they have a chance in my tank

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they have no chance. dont support the unethical collection of difficult organism by purchasing them. Even tho you think you are 'saving' them that just tells the uneducated fish stores people will buy them so they will continue to order them.

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