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Coral Vue Hydros



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Anyone have any experience with the alk/calc supplement "B-Ionic"? Just trying to promote some corraline growth and wondered if this stuff may help...Thanks in advance.

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I use it. My corraline was in good shape before I started it and my alk/calc was in line also, so I haven't noticed any diff. there.


However the brown algea scum that was growing on the sand cleared right up.


I put in about 1 tsp. of each 2 times a week.



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It works very well. Before, I was dripping kalk everyday. I had NO coralline growth on the glass.


Now, with B-Ionic, I have a ton of coralline growing all over the rocks, and the glass. This stuff works very well, and is not much of a hassle to dose. I dose 5mL of each solution every night in my 20L. My SPS loves it.

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