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Top Shelf Aquatics

5 gallon octo tank


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A intro to the tank posssbly a dwarf sea horse tank

Whats in the tank


5 lb of black reef sand

5 lb of semi live rock

Modded ac 30 for more flow

I have a boostled lamp for the setup just need to mod a little more befor i can use it lol


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...by octo you mean octagon not octopus?


so... octa tank?


how about a full tanks shot so we can get a good look :)

Opps I mean octa tank I will get some full tank shots in a lil bit and temp is at 73 and holding

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I'm considering dwarf seahorses too. The only thing I'm concerned about is their feeding. What would you do about that if you go with dwarfs? I've heard of many people converting them to frozen baby brine or cyclops but am still unsure.

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Sry abouy the name :( and ill be breeding roti and baby brine out of a 2 liter cut the bottom off at the label burn 2 small holes run wire for bubbler and place control knob to adjust air flow and start the breeding and of corse supply some food for them algle

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