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How you keep your nano cooler during the summer, I am thinking using IceProbe, but other than that, any simpier way to do so. Can some who have keeping their nano during the past summer share your experience?

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PC power supply with 2-5 fans


i have 2 fans working my MH, and 1 fans blowing water in sump, and 2 fans in Stand aimed at bottom of aquarium.


2 fans on MH run when MH are on

1 fan in sump on temp control

2 fans in stand 24hrs in summer, 12hrs winter.


NO heat problems


also easy to add moonlights with PC power supply

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Without using a chiller, fans are the only way that you are going to keep the temp "normal" in the summer. Keep in mind, however, that you are going to have to do some serious top offs!

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The only thing to worry about its when the lights go off and night and the cooler shuts off because it isnt hot anymore the temperature can continue to drop depending on where you live. Like for me I live in Wisconsin and at night (even in the summer) can be a little too cold for saltwater fish. If your from some place like CA, or FL it probably wont be an issue.

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