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Need help with agressive tang.


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Ok so i recently bought by first fish for my tank i got a little baby yellow tang no bigger than 3 inches had trouble getting him to eat at first and he had been showing a little aggression towards one of my peppermint shrimp. However ive got him eating now but it looks like hes on a mission to kill him now. I woke to find he had chewed the shrimps antennas off and is continuing to rough him up i have to keep shoeing him away even now as i write this he just wont stay away. I thought my tang would be a good pick for my first fish in from the list of what i wanted to get since i thought they were only aggressive to other tangs apparently this guys a little to feisty. What should i do? I've got the one shrimp in my sump for right now because i couldn't type more than three words with out the tang beating him up however I've got another shrimp in there that may become the next target.

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That tank is on the small side for a tang. What do you plan on doing with it once it ceases to be a 3" baby?


Aggression is hard to dispell. I haven't heard of it between a fish and a shrimp. You might just need to get rid of one. I also agree that this might be stress related, I'm sure the fish has been through a lot recently.

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Tangs are feisty. It's what they do. That's why they need large tanks. A 54 corner is like 38 inches from corner to corner, with a radius of 27". I had one for a few years. I've also had a yellow tang for a few years in 72" tanks. I can't imagine the @$$hole he would be crammed into less than 1/3 of the space he's always had available to him.

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I only plan on having the tank up for about a year so i figured id just re-home him to some one with a bigger tank then and enjoy him while hes small. The guy i bought the tank from had a full grown tang in there with no problems so i figured id be fine with a baby for a while. I plan on getting a few other fish should i be concerned about aggression towards them? I've yet to see the tang make any moves after my other peppermint shrimp he just seemed to have beef with the one for some reason haha.

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