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Coral Vue Hydros

care of the ucommon; chocolate tang

sohal tang 1

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The chocolate tang is not a common aquarium fish and not widely recognised but this is a definitive guide to the care and reqirements of the chocolate tang.

This tang can grow to huge size 10 inches maximum and while most people say a 70 g is o.k i COMPLETELY disagree i think that 140 MINIMAL for this fish who has the potiental to grow to 10 inches. Lots of algae should be provided for this fish as it is its staple diet however like most tangs will readily except flake and pellet foods.

A high sloping rockwork structre should be provided as these fishes natural habitat is around long sloping reefs.

They are peaceful fish and can be kept with semi aggresive tank mates or aggresive mates if they are small like blue damsels.

This fish can be kept with other tangs as long as they do not come from the genus ancanthrus however if the tank is about 240 gallons or larger you can make an exceptin to this rule.


Chocolate tangs are generally reef safe. Remember you are speaking to someone who has experience with this type of tang and so knows what he is saying, however remember what works for me may not work for you.

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What exactly are you bumping? Interesting information ... but do you want someone to say "I agree/disagree"?


Also, this is a nano-reef forum, most people here don't have a tank big enough for a tang

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so, keeping the chocolate tang is like...keeping a tang in general. ok cool.


You have to feed them chocolate twice a week or they will lose their colors.

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are you sure you are really ten years old?


looks like "to catch a predator" is trolling nano-reef?


is "chocolate tang" a codeword for something? i bet it is

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