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Coral Vue Hydros



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I'm looking for 4 to 5 damsels for my 55 gallon. I like blue damsels or blue with a yellow tail. Looking for other peoples postive thoughts on keeping damsels. Thanks Ryan

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Are you planning to keep anything else peaceful in this tank? Damsels are pretty, active, and cheap fish, but wow do they get territorial.


If all you want is damsels and aggressive fish then go for it.

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I have a Azure Damsel. Super pretty, super mean! Now I am trying to purge the fish back to the store once I am able to catch it. I will need to set a trap because I really do not want to have to break down my scape.


However, you have a 55g and I have a 24g. More space, so you might be better off.

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I would suggest a 'yellow damselfish'. Mine is the least aggressive of the damsels in my tank (others include a Three-Stripe and a Yellow-Tail) ... and I like the bright yellow this fish adds.

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I still wouldn't go too nonchalant with the damsels. Stick to the smaller, "more peaceful" ones like the yellow tails, fiji blue devils, yellow's, etc. I'd avoid the bigger ones like sergeant majors and 3 or 4 stripes. For other cheap, but tough fish check out dottybacks, chromis, and sixline wrasses. You'll never be able to add anything peaceful to your tank, but you'll have lots of color and movement for very cheap.

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The only thing I'm keeping is a pair of clownfish with the damsels.


This will be a non-stop battle for territory in the tank. Do some research on damsels. As pointed out, they get pretty aggressive and as clowns are in the same family, they will quarrel often. If they are all added at the same time, it may help, but I still think over time you may still have problems.

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Mine were added at the sametime, when I started up my tank. I have seen zero improvement... It's just in the mean little fishes nature. There is plenty of scape for the damsel to share, but it will not.

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