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Innovative Marine Aquariums



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I converted the original fluval edge successfully and had it running for 2 years. I sold the tank a while back as didn't have time to keep on top of it. Now I have time! And the new bigger fluval edge is out now. I ordered it online, it will be arriving tomorrow hopefully. This will be a new challenge converting this one, but I have gained a lot of experience already from the smaller tank. I still need to learn a lot! So if anyone is doing the same or something similar.. Or has questions or advice!!! Let me know.. I'll be posting pics of my progress when I can. Just online now trying to find the best aragonite, the best heater, the most suitable LED's, maybe a nano skimmer? Thanks



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the most suitable LEDs would be the nanotuners fixture. itll run you about $350 shipped


the tanks have the same footprint, the new one if just taller so the NT fixture should work perfectly. in fact, since it is taller, the fixture should look better as the light will be able to get the corners in the bottom--evenly and properly lighting everything



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  • 2 weeks later...

I converted the original fluval edge successfully and had it running for 2 years. I sold the tank a while back as didn't have time to keep on top of it. Now I have time! And the new bigger fluval edge is out now. I ordered it online, it will be arriving tomorrow hopefully. This will be a new challenge converting this one, but I have gained a lot of experience already from the smaller tank. I still need to learn a lot! So if anyone is doing the same or something similar.. Or has questions or advice!!! Let me know.. I'll be posting pics of my progress when I can. Just online now trying to find the best aragonite, the best heater, the most suitable LED's, maybe a nano skimmer? Thanks



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I've recently set up a 23l Fluval Edge reef aquarium with only LED lighting. It has been running for nearly 4 months and is doing very well. I think this lighting arrangment would be ideal for the 46l tank. The total cost of the lighting was around £60.00. This link to my you tube channel will show you how it looks. http://www.youtube.com/user/TheFluffyDo?feature=mhsn



Hi, just received the link. Your tank looks great. Total cost for lighting was £60? Do you have a detailed description on your build and where your bought your LEDs from.? I'm wanting to do the same to my 46l. Thanks. James

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