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Cultivated Reef

My Aqua Scape DT Pictures


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Are these good spots for my corals to grow?


Here is where I have placed my Blasto not sure if it can grow here to many heads or not.




He is basically just sitting on one of the branches of this indo live rock.



These LR (indo ones) were white and turned super green since, is this a diatom bloom or something?



These are all the rocks, pebbles and shells i was talking about on another thread in my sand bed. I want to get rid of these so bad its driving me insane.



This is where my Shroom is and before this picture, he was about 4 inches to the left near the corner in this picture as it would never open so I put him here and now he is shriveled up even more. At the LFS he was nearly 4 inches in diameter. WTH Should i do with him i want throw him against a wall he isn't opening up its been 3 weeks already if not 4 weeks.



This is where my Ricordea Mushroom is…is this a good spot for it to grow? I see many people placing them on LR…I have had him for about 6 weeks and he hasn't split or anything. He is on a pebble about half an inch in length. Should I move him or leave him and its fine?



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In my opinion ...


Blasto on the sand/low rock out of the main flow.

Morph near the main rock (so it can stretch out/spread), shaded from direct light.

Ric also near the main rock so it can stretch onto it from its pebble.

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In my opinion ...


Blasto on the sand/low rock out of the main flow.

Morph near the main rock (so it can stretch out/spread), shaded from direct light.

Ric also near the main rock so it can stretch onto it from its pebble.


teh blaso isn't attached to any pebble or anything, just itself, can I put him on the LS like that or would I need to glue him to something than put him? I loved him on the LS but thought it wouldn't grow there.


sorry, which is the morph and which one are you considering ot be the main rock (sorry not sure which you mean)


the Ric sould just be placed near it right? not glued or anything because i heard shrooms are near impossible to glue.

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