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microbubble help


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I have a Quiet One 4000 running on a closed loop with a SCWD. I had a BAD problem with microbubbles, and was told to put an Aquaclear sponge over the intake, and returns. This stopped my bubbles, but the pump seemed to be straining. I removed the sponges on the returns and my microbubbles returned. Is there anything that I might do to make them stop? Thanks in advance.

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definately check for air leaks, probably before the pump inlet.


check all the joints, tighten any threaded joints (replace the teflon tape ?), check O-rings on unions and lube with a tiny bit of silicone grease if they are dry, also check to make sure the pump housing is sealed.



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If your pump has been in use for awhile, like 2-3 mos. Try taking it apart and cleaning it with a rag, or some felt, is what I use.


Pull out the impeller and wipe off the shaft and the cavity that the shaft goes into.


I think the slime that builds up inside pump causes cavitation.


That took care of my bubble problem.


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