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Help with Ca KH and Mg


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Hey needed some help with my readings... ive kept soft corals before and a few LPS, but this new tank I have will be my first attempt a a SPS tank. Since I will be keeping a SPS reef I am testing Ca KH and Mg, which I paid little attention to before. I was hoping you guy could take a look at my readings and give any advice or just let me know if Im on the right track. The tank is a 28 led, and is about 4-5 days from finishing cycling.


Ca- 460-470


KH - 13.5-13.7 dKH ---> This seems high...


Mg - 1400-1440


I have been working with a two part dose of soda ash for alk, and calcium chloride, as well as Mg mix from BRS. I have only dosed 2 times, mostly to practice and see the effects on the tank, before I introduce coral and fish (which probably explains what to me seems like higher numbers).


Otherwise I am at a salinity of 1.025-1.026

PH - 8.0-8.2


Edit: Just tested

Nitrite and Nitrate


NO2 - .05-1 ppm

NO3 - 10-15 ppm

Ammonia - 0-.25

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I like these three.....more info than you could ever want.


http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2004-05/rhf/index.php - General elements/constituents and their proper levels for a reef.


http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2007-04/rhf/index.php - Dosing of elements Rules and/or Suggestions.


http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/nov2002/chem.htm - How to fix Calcium and Alk Issues.


P.S. Your levels are weird because you dosed and there was nothing in the tank to use any of the cal and alk. Once you have corals in there and have coraline algae starting to grow, that is when you will have to figure out how much to dose of what.

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