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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Crocea/Maxima clams on BB


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I did a search but didn't find all the info I needed.


Does anyone have either crocea or maxima clams on the glass bottom of a BB tank?


Do you pics?


Does the clam seem "happy" attached to the glass bottom?


Any problems/regrets?


Getting ready to purchase some clams and I'm wanting to put them on the BB of my tank.


Thanks :D

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I see no glaring issue other than removal can be difficult sometimes. Crocea's really like rockwork, and prefer to hunker down IME. Maxima's on a BB would look pretty cool, as the scutes are more ornate.


So long as you have the lighting to support light loving species on the bottom of a tank, I'd say go for it. And post pics :)

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In terms of the clams attaching, BBs are better than sand substrates. I'd still put some small rock or something for it to attach to just so it's easier to move around. If you ever need to move it cut the threads of the foot as close to the glass as possible.

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