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Coral Vue Hydros

Brand New Reef Ideas


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I am going to start a new nano reef and would like some advice. I want to be as money concious (read 'cheapskate') as possible. I would like to have in my tank two harlequin shrimp and several corals. I want to hear advice on what tank, which lights, power heads, which corals, what snails, and everything else. I am open to any suggestions or advice any one has...Please tell me your thoughts! Thanks

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you should probably read up on harqueline shrimp first. You do realize they eat starfish exclusively?

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If I could start all over again. I would get a AGA 5.5g and go BB. Why? Just to see if there is a difference. I would put a 12" fuge on the back and use a 70w MH with some PC Actinic 03. I would have high flow and make myself a SPS system. Oh, and for LR I saw some top notch Marshal Island LR today for 12.99 per pound. I would buy one large chunk. I would have a snail cleanup crew (no hermits), feather duster of some sort, and maybe a pep shrimp. Custom DIY stand and canopy. That is my idea. Have fun.

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No harloquine shrimp please.

Sure it looks pretty, but you will find it is very hard to supply their food. It only eats stars. Especially it loves that expensive chocholate chip stars. And, you wouldn't like what stars can do to your corals.

For other setup... you will find a lot of good pic of setups in members gallery forum. Good luck.

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Thanks all,

I do realize that they only eat stars...but i talked to a couple of guys at the fish store who had done nanos with harlequins and were successful. Its seems that general consensus is that its a bad idea. Thanks again

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Don't be discouraged, it would be a little difficult, but that shouldn't rule it out completely. You'll just have to have a constant supply of food and be very diligent with the water changes. Read all you can about them, then decide whether you can handle it or not.

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