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Anemone met the powerhead need some pointers


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I'll start off with some tank info

tank is about 3 months old, since being cycled that is. its a 20long with 30lbs of argonite mixed 20lbs of live sand from the lfs sump. 10-15lbs of base rock (read less pourus/surface area) and 20-25 of 'premium' rock. cpr bak pak II with mj 1200. 2 500gph aqueon circ pumps. ac50 fuge mod. nova extreme II 12000k and 10000k and panorama strip for 460nm, 14hrs 460nm, 12 normal. io salt mix and ro/di water, 10-15% 2x week wc.

ammonia, nitrite, nitrate 0,0, less than 10

phos 0, ph 8.2, dkh 12, calc 500, sal 1.025 temp 79


stock is:

tiny little snails (nass?) 2 mex turbos, 5 hermits, 2 clowns, scarlet skunk cleaner, green bubble tip anemone, frogspawn, gsp, galaxea and some zoas.


i got my a bubble tip about 3 weeks ago. i did some research, probably not as much as i should have, and thought i was ready for one. i was pretty paranoid about the anemone with the power heads and even asked the lfs about them, was told it would be fine. well it wasnt. he did great the first few days. he was attached firmly at the lfs and showed the other healthy signs i was supposed to look for. got him home, he attached almost immediately and it opend fully after about 30 min. he moved around a bit which concerned me some but i considered it normal. i fed him a tiny bit of brine shrimp the 2nd night and he closed up on it pretty quickly.


Day three i woke up and checked on the tank and i noticed something funny was in the powerhead. realizing what it was i shut the ph off and took it apart so it would be easier for it to get free. i found a good piece of flesh in torn off inside. my first reaction was that it was dead, second was, 'how do i cover this up', its the wifes anemone, third is what do i do.


first i did a huge wc cause the skimmer was going nutz and full of vile smelling skimmate. next i setup a hospital tank for the anemone since i read they can melt and wipe out the tank and didnt want it to die if it was still alive. it looked pretty rough but managed to fill himself back up with water and attach to the bottom of the tank, which i considered good. after about 5 days he ate a tiny bit of food and was responding well to light, stimulus. i moved him back to the main tank since the light is better and the water is better.


He attached after a little while and stayed in the same spot for a few days but still didnt look great. he inflated and moved to a new spot that looked suitable to his needs and was easy for me to keep an eye on him from. however he still is concerning me even though hes lived alot longer than i woulda thought.


during lights on he is either shriveled up under a ledge with his mouth gaping or part way open with his mouth closed. if i put a light on the side of the tank where he is he opens up like nothing is wrong. at night however he is open and looks pretty good all in all. i moved some lr to give him more light and he hasnt shriveled since and his mouth is shut.


my questions are:

besides time and stability what more can i do for it?

he seems healed but still looks scarred will this go away if it doesn't will it affect him much?

whats going on with him and the light?


there is probably more but this is all i can think of atm.




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I don't think you can do much really, you're doing all you can. It's probably just extremely pissed off. Imagine going through a wood chipper and surviving, you'd be pretty pissed too :P


The only thing you can really do it keep it fed and under good light (if it takes to the light) to improve it's quality of living while it heals up.

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So did you change anything with your pumps to make sure it doesn't happen again?


I'm partially wondering just because I plan on possible having one myself and am unsure about whether or not I should be worried.

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So did you change anything with your pumps to make sure it doesn't happen again?


I'm partially wondering just because I plan on possible having one myself and am unsure about whether or not I should be worried.


i zip tied some 'knitting screen' over them to make a finer mesh grate. it slowed the flow a little but ive read other people having sucess doing the same thing

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Feed him. Silverside pieces or PE Mysid shrimp would be best. Make sure to thaw it before giving it to him. Use about 1/4" square pieces. Feed one piece, wait for him to take it completely inside his mouth and close his mouth then wait a few minutes offer him another piece. Do this until he either rejects the last piece or spits it out.


Keep up with water changes in the hospital tank so the water stays as clean as possible and give him time to heal.


Natural behavior for them is to attach upside down under a rock then come out from under the rock to face the light.

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he had a pretty good day today. he moved under a new ledge this morning, then back out and hes on the front glass now. cant say i like staring at his foot hes been fully open all day. it does allow me to look at where the flesh was missing and it looks fully healed.i also added a second nova extreme today and everything seem to open up further than usual.

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well it happened again. this time he didnt get chopped up but he was stuck in it. i lost a clown fish from it, some how it got stuck between the anemone and the pump. pretty sad cause it was a pair now i have one lonely clown

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  • 2 weeks later...

just another update: its doing great now. its wedged into a nice little cave and hasnt moved in a few weeks. cant believe how far it can stretch to get to the light without detaching. After it finally started eating bigger meals it really opened up and looks as good as when i got it

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