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Coral Vue Hydros

What can a Par30 grow?


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Somewhat setting up my pico. More like gathering equipment. All that is left is a RKL and various buckets, airline tubing, etc.


I have a Par30 from Boostled, it is super bright, and wanted to know what the possibilities of this bulb are. I haven't explored into SPS or clams yet, but could it be possible with it?

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It will grow whatever your heart desires :)


But seriously, they are damn powerful, check out their PAR graphs. Just be sure to acclimate everything to the light and place things accordingly


Edit: to sum that all up, yes

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Thanks for the reply guys! That aside, is an Aquaclear 50 enough flow for SPS and Clams? I think that is the turning point in such a small tank, because its relatively easy to get the light requirement, but flow is another thing.

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Thanks for the reply guys! That aside, is an Aquaclear 50 enough flow for SPS and Clams? I think that is the turning point in such a small tank, because its relatively easy to get the light requirement, but flow is another thing.

You could probably do easy low flow SPS with that. I had an AC70 on a 5.5 g and it wasnt enough for my liking, even with a k-nano. Also clams do not like super high direct flow hitting them so having SPS and a clam can be hard in a pico. Make sure to think about where you are going to put the clam while aquascaping.

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You could probably do easy low flow SPS with that. I had an AC70 on a 5.5 g and it wasnt enough for my liking, even with a k-nano. Also clams do not like super high direct flow hitting them so having SPS and a clam can be hard in a pico. Make sure to think about where you are going to put the clam while aquascaping.


Would a little off set from the output of the filter work? So it is close enough to the high flow but not directly in it. It will also be where the flow hits the front glass and wraps around the side to the back, as well

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You will be able to tell if it doesnt like the flow. If you see its mantle being lifted you know its too much. They will usually fall over and move as well if they dont like it. In my tank, they clam could not be on the sand near the glass because the blow back from the AC70 was too much even with it turned all the way down. I had to move him up in the back corner for it to stay put, but I could tell it still wasnt optimal.

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What do you mean by being lifted? Are you saying if the mantle looks like it is reaching up, lifted, or being blown around, lifted?


Never had a clam so I wouldn't know. There is always a starting point when trying new stuff, so just making sure I can get as much info.


Good to know they move. I am thinking the only other place is on the sides of the aquascape. I think it would be a nice spot for it. Somewhere in the front/side corner. And some SPS along the top where the filter output is. GSP along the bottom rim of the rocks and sand, and zoas to fill the space, with maybe an LPS on the opposite side of the clam to balance things out.

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