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Looked everywhere! Anyone know what this is?


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Came with my rock and at first I figured it was Coralline since it was just a very tiny spot on the rock. Over the last month or so it have grown about 1/4 to 1/2 of an inch tall. It is not solid because I poked it with a stick and it seems to be somewhat soft but not too soft. If you look at it from the top of the tank it seems to have bright orange tips that are oddly shaped.

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its bubble algae be careful taking it out as it releases spores or whatever and it spreads all over your tank



Thanks I looked at the greed bubble algae and it looked nothing like this stuff lol. My hermit crabs, cleaner shrimp or snails wont do the trick?

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Builder Anthony

I think emeralds eat it from what i hear.But i had some green bubbles and he was eating other stuff in the tank instead.

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I think emeralds eat it from what i hear.But i had some green bubbles and he was eating other stuff in the tank instead.

I think Ill just get rid of it myself...Its a small one anyways. Thanks everyone.

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to do it your self get the rock out an into another bucket with tank water and pull the bubbles off, mite take a while but thats how i beat it one it infested my tank

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I read on a planted tank forum and also saw a thread here on hydrogen peroxide working well on hair algae. maybe give it a spay or dip after removing the algae to get rid of any remainder

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It's red bubble algae. I have some in my tank as well. It doesn't spread as fast as green bubble algae. I just remove it with tweezers. I know everyone says don't pop them but I haven't noticed it spreading any faster if I do.

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