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Need advice on clean up crew


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I have a 12g Nano cube JBJ and want to start putting other CUC's in the tank


currently I have:

4: margarita snails

4: mexican red leg hermits


What else can I put in the tank

What is my limit, how much is too much?

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I think CUC doesn't really count towards bioload for the most part as long as stuff isn't dying. You could get a handful of ceriths to lay eggs all over your glass, some nassarius to keep your sandbed mixed up and a handful of stomatellas (if you can find them) as general algae eaters.


The hermits will do something, but for the most part they kinda just bum around. Also, the margarita snails aren't really a warm water snail so their life expectancy isn't that long.

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Thank you I will keep a look out and see what I can get going on, right now all is working well so I can't complain but as I increase I expect it to get dirtier in the tank

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If you can get a small sea hare or tiger conch they would be great. Sea hares are mini lawn MOWERS!


I have a 12g, isn't that too small for sea hare. Also I have a sixline wrasse, he won't cause too much trouble with my inverts would he?

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I have a large banded trochus only. Is there any other recomindations on snails to have in the tank? Regarding algae clean up please...

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