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Coral Vue Hydros

Fragging Zoas


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I would like to start fragging some of my zoas but here is my question, should i delicately cut them off the rock then glue them to a frag plug? or is there a better way. Ive heard people say that zoa's can melt away very easily if you cut them. I have two little fishies corafix glue would this be good for getting them to stay? This will be my first time fragging so please enlighten me :)

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slice the mat around the ones you want to frag them scrape them off the rock with a razor. Do wear some form of glasses at least. it's only natural that you have them pointed right at your eyes as you are fragging them. It's only a slight chance that they squirt. I've not seen it, but it does happen and it's not worth risking.

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Builder Anthony

i have a crab that cut off about 18 of them from a rock i think it cut from underneath them so id say thats the best way to go it didnt lose a single one yet.

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