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Cultivated Reef

Sad frogspawn


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I got this last Friday, and up until today it was extended fully more or less. Today twice I saw my peppermint shrimp picking at it. I dont know if he was attacking or scavenging though. This is in my 3g pico.


The only change recently was that I changed the water flow the other day because I was worried there was too much going over the frogspawn. After this change and it looked worse, I increased the flow again.


What else can I do?

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Btw, my zoas are all open and happy. The frogspawn has partially inflated tentacles, but a lot around the edges are becoming shriveled and dark colored... :scarry:

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Btw, my zoas are all open and happy. The frogspawn has partially inflated tentacles, but a lot around the edges are becoming shriveled and dark colored... :scarry:


Where is it located in your picture? Sorry I even put my face up to the computer to locate it.... I just got a new froggy frag last week and at first it did look right either, but it is thriving and filling out. But I still haven't decided where I should place it in my tank because of current and light. I too, fussed with current, but moderate flow is best. Strong will stress tissue on the LP. I am still learning...

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Well *&^*%!, I came in today and my young skunk clown in the 3g pico was dead. I removed him and did a 20% water change. I forgot my stupid test kit too.


All of the inverts seem okay, which is weird because I thought if there was a water quality problem they were the first to go. I am out of town, so I cant check on the tank at work over the weekend. I will hope for the best and bring new water and my test kit monday :(

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