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Has anyone had success growing chaeto in middle chamber of biocube 29? I have the fuge basket with the jbj nano glow light. There isnt much flow back there, does anyone use a small pump back there to try and tumble the chato or will it grow as it is?

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Should grow as is, how long have you had it there?



I put it in a week ago and it hasnt gotten much light till last night when i received a nano glow led light. I was using the underwater light and it was increasing tank temps too much so I basically had it back there with no light. It looks like its turning brown a little, I hope it starts to grow.

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It should grow with the light. Give it another week.


I run mine 24/7 but I don't have temp problems. I have thought about not running the chaeto light that long.

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It should grow with the light. Give it another week.


I run mine 24/7 but I don't have temp problems. I have thought about not running the chaeto light that long.



You have it in middle chamber?



You have it in middle chamber?



Mods, can this be moved to general discussion? Not sure how it wound up here. lol

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I am in the exact same position. Added Chaeto to the middle chamber of my BioCube29. I'm using an external desk lamp with twisty compact fluorescent bulb currently running 24/7. There's plenty of flow in mine. I have noticed some brown banding on the strands of Chaeto. Is this normal/right?

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