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help what sould i do


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i need so advice i have had a hair algae problem but i took some of it out of my 10 gallon nano i didn't have a cleaner crew but i bought them yesterday all test were at zero should i scrub the rocks? should i add a protien skimmer to my tank o yeah my tank specs are 10 gallon tank

40x2 csl with moon light

18 pounds of naters ocean live sand

10 pounds of tonga live rock

the tanks been setup for in 26 days

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should i scrub the rocks?


No, no, no. I would love to slap whoever thought of this idea.


Get the cleanup crew in there as fast as possible. Test your water for phosphates and such. If you think it needs an immediate solution until you can get the cleanup crew in there, pick out as much as possible by hand but do not scrub your LR.




Good luck



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