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Feeding a Blood Red Fire Shrimp?


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How and what should I be feeding my Fire Shrimp? Hes all I have in the tank right now Ive been feeding him 3-4 Omega Sea Pellets w/garlic every morning. I just drop it in and he scavenges for it. Is this to much / to little? or to often?

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How big is it? I'm tempted to say that what you're doing now is fine. If it's a little bit on the bigger side, try a couple additional pellets and see what happens.


Do you have any sort of clean up crew (snails, hermits, etc.)? Scavengers/detrivores such as hermit crabs and nassarius snails would eat pellets too.

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How big is it? I'm tempted to say that what you're doing now is fine. If it's a little bit on the bigger side, try a couple additional pellets and see what happens.


Do you have any sort of clean up crew (snails, hermits, etc.)? Scavengers/detrivores such as hermit crabs and nassarius snails would eat pellets too.


Hes probably about 2-2.5" now he just molted this weekend.....


I have two nassarius snails and some cerths too



I would think every other day is fine.


Do you have live sand or rock in there with him? If so, there is plenty for him to eat from all that, IMO.


Yes I have both LR and LS

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Thrassian Atoll
Okay, thanks guys.


But when I add fish should I feed him directly ie tweezers or pipet?


He should be able to just feed off of the scraps left behind from the fish...

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mine loves frozen shrimp and flakes. i feel once a day to every other day you can tell when they're hungry because they'll start walking around the tank. mine hides when he is not hungry. not a ton of fun... but maybe thats just mine

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