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snail id?


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they are good cleaners, and will readily breed in the tank, especially if you find more than one.


my cleaner shrimp ate all mine :angry:

I feel ya! My Skunks have killed hermits and various snails in my tank. I have to make sure they eat now! Target feeding my shrimps haha

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That looks more abalone shaped to me?? or maybe even a limpt / key hole limpet? Hard to say with that picture.

just gotta be different hu?


if you trace the outline including the tail, its a stomatella. while abalone are not unheard of, its much more common to get stomatella.

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I don't see a body poking out from under that shell, and I've never seen a stomatella hide under its shell like that. Have you seen it come out of its shell and whatnot? If so then I'd say stomatella


I'm gonna guess limpet myself



Edit: OOPS, I see it now :derp: stomatella for sure

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I can see how everyone gets stomatella, except there is some severe lack of the massive stomafoooott we are used to. I still cry limpet! ;)


Def not abo, or abalone. Silly abo hitchers from aus always make my life hard.

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I can see how everyone gets stomatella, except there is some severe lack of the massive stomafoooott we are used to. I still cry limpet! ;)


Def not abo, or abalone. Silly abo hitchers from aus always make my life hard.


I thought the same too, if you look to the bottom left of the shell you can see its mouth and the two antennae/eyes and to the upper right you cane see the back end/foot deal


Look hard, it blends in very well

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