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Derasa Question


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I have a derasa in my 12g, lighting are LEDs (Par38 bulbs). My clam has been acting wierd. It will close up really fast and spray sand everywhere, and then open up really slowly. For water movement, i have an MP10 that is usually on reef crest (not even 50% power) and I switch it to NTM mode 2 times a day for about 2 hours. Is the clam doing this becuase of too much flow?

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usually clams will move themselves if they are in a spot where they are unhappy. my derasa does the same exact thing but for the most part he seems very happy. I think thats just something that clams do from time to time but I am not an expert so hopefully someone else chimes in as well, but i think you are fine.

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No. The clam is doing it because something is triggering its defensive response (close shell). That could be movement outside the tank, flow, shadows in the tank, fish swimming by, etc. The sand spray is from the displacement of the water from the movement of the shell. It opening slowly is normal.

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it might be either adjusting its position, in progress of moving itself, getting ingested sand/particles out of its mantle cavity, or something's bothering it (could be as simple as some bristleworm biting it or something).

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