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Cultivated Reef

HELP! Firefish Goby not well!


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Only had him for 2 days, here he was yesterday eating up pods like a boss


Firefish Goby by jprime84, on Flickr


today he didnt come out for food. I inspected the tank a while and found him in a cave. That would have been fine except he couldnt seem to right himself. He drifted around the tank current breathing hard. I transfered him to a hospital tank, and he has some dark markings on one side:



Untitled by jprime84, on Flickr


They are more obvious in person. Still alive at the moment and he tries to swim some but still tumbles around. What can I do?



EDIT: I have a couple larger aiptasia ive been meaning to take care of in the tank. Can they sting a firefish goby bad enough to cause this?

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Larger aptasia can kill a fish yes. I had a small clown try and host in one and it wrapped him up and he died shortly after. I nuked it the next day, dont wait to kill them! They can cause a lot of damage.

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