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Brown stuff on sand


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I have had my tank up and running for a few weeks now and this brown stuff is just coating my sand and starting to coat the sides of my tank as well. I use a magnetic scraper to clean the glass but its getting to the point where even 1-2 times a day doesn't seem to be enough. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?


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I have had my tank up and running for a few weeks now and this brown stuff is just coating my sand and starting to coat the sides of my tank as well. I use a magnetic scraper to clean the glass but its getting to the point where even 1-2 times a day doesn't seem to be enough. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?


Tank is in the process of cycling, what are your prameters?

Is that a clown is see in your uncycled tank?

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The tank isn't really "new", I inherited the live rock, sand, livestock, and equipment from a friend who had the tank up and running for about a year. The aquarium she gave me cracked and so I bought a 10 gallon to put everything in, but other than that nothing is new. It had not really been up and running the last few months she had it, just sat in a corner in her living room with lights off and filter going. I didn't want to throw all of her stuff away and start over with new animals so I just kept hers. There are 4 little hermit crabs, a nassarius snail (I think, Haven't seen it in awhile) and some other larger snail with a pointed turban like shell and the clown, plus all the critters on the live rock.

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What are your params?


Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphates?


Something is not right because you have Diatoms. The tank may cycle as the sand was old and probably had waste built up in it and when you moved it, it was released.


I would test everything and probably do a waterchange. Seems everything was cured but you may have kicked up a bunch of bad stuff using the old sand.

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It will go away by itself, just do your water changes and check your parameters. You moved in a little too quickly with your livestock to a new tank.

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It sounds like a "mini-cycle" from disturbing the old sand bed in the move. I'm hoping the "experts" on here might provide more detailed direction on how to reduce the effects of the cycle, I've heard of "soft-cycling" by doing frequent water changes. I will be researching this myself before upgrading my tank, as I'm not certain if it is better to just replace the current sand bed entirely.


I'm interested to hear if anyone else has input on re-using an established sandbed such as this?

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From what I have read and heard it's usually better to just trash the sand and go with a new bed. Or you can try rinsing the old sand very thoroughly (giant PITA from what I have heard).


There is a thread dedicated to a soft cycle for a new tank just use the search option.


I think you are going through a mini cycle, so watch your new params and I think your going to have to do many small water changes or you may lose the livestock.


Good luck and someone please correct me if I am wrong.


Oh here the Soft Cycle Thread


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It sounds like a "mini-cycle" from disturbing the old sand bed in the move. I'm hoping the "experts" on here might provide more detailed direction on how to reduce the effects of the cycle, I've heard of "soft-cycling" by doing frequent water changes. I will be researching this myself before upgrading my tank, as I'm not certain if it is better to just replace the current sand bed entirely.


I'm interested to hear if anyone else has input on re-using an established sandbed such as this?



So, should I not vacuum the sand bed when I do water changes?

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So, should I not vacuum the sand bed when I do water changes?


You can just don't stir it up. The only thing you want to get in the siphon is detritus and algae. I keep mine tilted so I can skim just over the sand and suck everything up without disturbing it.

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You can just don't stir it up. The only thing you want to get in the siphon is detritus and algae. I keep mine tilted so I can skim just over the sand and suck everything up without disturbing it.


Great. And just FYI, my pH is 8.4, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0. I don't have a Ca test but guess I should get one. Thank you all for the help I am sure I will need more in the future.

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Great. And just FYI, my pH is 8.4, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0. I don't have a Ca test but guess I should get one. Thank you all for the help I am sure I will need more in the future.



Also check for Phosphates. That is #1 for algae growth.

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