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Canon lens recommendations for aquarium shots


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I assume macro?


My best fit right now is my 24-105mm f/4 L. Here is a cropped shot from that:



Firefish Goby by jprime84, on Flickr


I have to stand fairly far away and then zoom in to ge this shot. This shot is cropped, and I cant get any closer and stay outside of the minimum focal distance. I assume some kind of macro lens is what I need. Anyone have any personal favorites?

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For cheaper $ The 60 Macro works great for nano tanks that are not too deep.


If you have the money you cannot go wrong with the 100mm macro.


AND finally. My favorite lens for macro work. The 100mm L series. The IS on the L is worth it for coral shots hand held. As for moving fish. Not really helpful.


Here is a 100L shot for you to see, Shot with a 60D:







If you want to see more Click my Flickr link and go to the Reef Section.

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Any of the lower end lenses decent for a Cannon G-10? I'd like to get into learning to take better macros, but don't want to really break the bank in getting a lens for half a grand.

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Beautiful shots from the 180, but def out of my budget. I have a Sigma 10mm-20mm that I rarely use so maybe I can work out some kind of trade at my local camera shop.

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I went to the shop today with my Sigma 10-20mm and old Canon XSi body that I hardly use (upgraded to the T1i a while back). I traded them in for a Tamron 90mm f/2.8 Macro and a very nice tripod.


So far, my only complaint is my hands are so shaky, I wish I had image stabilization! I just cant afford the new Canon 100m L macro with the hybrid image stabilization.

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A few shots from the new lens:


Fun my new Tamron 90mm Macro lens! by jprime84, on Flickr


Halimeda growing well:


Fun my new Tamron 90mm Macro lens! by jprime84, on Flickr


Unknown coral that came on LR:


Fun my new Tamron 90mm Macro lens! by jprime84, on Flickr



Here is a 100% crop with the Tamron 90mm f/2.8 macro, dwarf cerith and a pod, the forum may shrink it a bit:


100% Crop with Tamron 90mm f/2.8 Macro by jprime84, on Flickr

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The one thing I couldnt do was capture my clown. He is just too energetic and hard to track at 90mm and get any kind of closeup. When I did track him, the focus was not fast enough.

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The one thing I couldnt do was capture my clown. He is just too energetic and hard to track at 90mm and get any kind of closeup. When I did track him, the focus was not fast enough.



That is what "rapid fire" is for. Set focus to Servo, then fire away. Wait for buffer to catch up, then fire some more! Pick the good one, if any. Fish are hard to photograph.

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I've also found you can sit below the tank and fire at the fish to get decent shots sometimes. You get an insane amount of light that way so quick enough shutter speeds are attainable to hand hold it.





This was with my Siggy 150, so getting decent shutter speeds for a 90mm should be doable :)

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That's a nice shot, Jason. I hate how my borfront makes is so dang difficult to shoot through. I have to be 100% perpendicular, otherwise I get CA out the wazoo.


Having a flat-pane tank again will be nice. I can't wait to get this 40B done.

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