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Any thoughts? Low KH?


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I have noticed some tissue recession on my chalice and frogspawn. In addition, my duncan is not wanting to open as much as it has before. I measured everything and everything seems good but maybe my KH is a little low. Would this cause my frog spawn's tissue to recede and begin to brown a little as well as the other problems mentioned? Brain isn't wanting to be fed, but it is still adjusting to new tank.


ammonia - 0

nitrate - 0

nitrite - 0

calcium - 440

KH - ~7.5

pH - 8.2 - 8.3

phosphate - 0

salinity - 1.025 - 1.026

temp - 78-79


Tank is a 10 gallon, few months old, plenty of flow. Basic HOB carbon filter, koralia nano 425, and 4x18W T5 with bulbs that are only a few months old. I made some new water using RO/DI water as usual, and used Oceanic salt for the mix. Measured the new water before I put it in and the water was 11 KH, but after adding 2.5 gallons of water in, the tank only measured a KH of 8 the next day. Tank has two clowns, cleaner shrimp, couple blue legged hermits, and a few snails. Any thoughts?

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I've talked to successful SPS keepers here on NR with a stable dKH of 7-8, and in my opinion SPS are a bit more demanding than LPS towards dKH. You mentioned that there was a drop from 11 to 8 over night. That may be the problem if they are used to perfectly stable parameters. Slowly bring it back up to where you are confident that you can keep it stable.

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Sorry, wasn't very clear there. I measured KH of tank and it was 7-8. So, I made some water which had a KH of 11 and did a 25% water change. The next day, the KH was 8 in the tank again. I didn't measure the KH directly after water change because it was late and I wanted to let the water mix before I tested. Basically the water change wasn't successful in bringing it up, and the only range I can keep stable would be that range I guess. You think that a KH around there would cause browning and tissue recession in LPS? Would it be worth it for me to dose to get KH up?

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Sorry, wasn't very clear there. I measured KH of tank and it was 7-8. So, I made some water which had a KH of 11 and did a 25% water change. The next day, the KH was 8 in the tank again. I didn't measure the KH directly after water change because it was late and I wanted to let the water mix before I tested. Basically the water change wasn't successful in bringing it up, and the only range I can keep stable would be that range I guess. You think that a KH around there would cause browning and tissue recession in LPS? Would it be worth it for me to dose to get KH up?


If your dKH is spiking and dropping that quickly, yes, I would be dosing every day to keep it at a constant level.

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The alkalinity is not spiking and dropping that quickly.


If you have water with 7KH and you replace a quarter of that water with new water at 11KH, at the end you will have water with 8KH. Only a quarter of the water is being replaced.


What is the calcium content of the freshly mixed salt water before you add it to your tank? What is the magnesium content of both the tank and the freshly made salt water? Have you got a photo of your tank?

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normal saltwater is 7-8 dKH. keep it at this number and you should be fine. don't chase it around as that usually will mess your tank up even more. As long as you are doing your water changes weekly or bi-weekly, you should be fine. Also, people tend to ignore Mag levels, make sure your mag is normal level as mag/alk/calc/pH all affect each other.

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I'll go get a mag test kit and take some pics of the tissue recession I'm talking about. I'm not sure what the calc level of the new salt water is, I'll mix up a batch and measure it.

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New water has calcium of 440, and wasn't able to pick up mag test. Tissue recession seems to have slowed. This pic kind of shows the brain. Does this look normal?




The frogspawn browning can be seen here:





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