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Ai Sol or Nano?


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I am looking to get back into reefing and am going to be setting up a 24x24X12 shallow rimless tank for zoas and rics. The LED craze has happened since I have been out of the hobby, so I am trying to get caught up. I think I have narrowed down my lighting choices to the AI Sol or the AI nano, but feel like I need a little more info. Which would be better for my purposes? The corals I plan to keep are not the most light demanding, and I don't want to fry them with too much light, but I want to ensure enough spread. Any thoughts? Thanks!



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Between those two, definitely the Sol for spread. The Nano may come up a bit short.


Definitely be careful when setting up the lights though - it's a shallow tank and since the corals you're keeping aren't very light-demanding, you can bleach them out pretty easily.

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Go with the SOL my tank is 24x18x18 and it fills that bad boy up nicely. Your going to need to raise that light up pretty high tho. Hope your good with hanging things.

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