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Innovative Marine Aquariums

"Eheim" or "Ebo" Jager heater


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What's the ambient temp swings like?


And I would get a 100 watt, unless space is a concern.


Maybe a 75 if the ambient stays around 72 ish.


For reference, my house lowers to 62 in winter. A 100 watt holds temps good. Not heating too fast when the temps are warmer.

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Never thought about that so I'll have to get a read on the room temp. If using a 100 watt is it possible to over heat if set at the lowest setting if the room temp stays in the 70's?


Are they the same heater of different brands?

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I know jäger merged a while back. So most likely.


A good heater will not "overheat" unless it breaks and sticks on.


A heater works by maintaining water temperature, it's a simple on/off device. Once set temp is reached, it will shut off.


The reason for the wattage differences is that is the amount of electrical draw, converted to heat. It's nearly 100% efficient, as in almost all the electricity you pay for turns to heat energy (radiation)


A higher wattage heater will heat the same volume of water faster. But if the wattage is too small, the heater will constantly be on, and could, given lower temps, fail to keep the temperature you desire.

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get the eheim on DrFosterSmiths 125w ... that's what keeps my temps steady at all times. They have the best price and great reviews on their site for that heater too.

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