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Par 38 bulb 60 or 80 degree optics?


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I currently have a 5.5 gallon aquarium with powercompact lighting and I am wanting to upgrade to LED (I love the look). I plan on only have softies (zoas,mushrooms, kenya, xenia, etc.). I was wondering if the 60 degree or the 80 degree option would be better for this tank. My only worries are the light being to strong for the mushrooms. Anyone have any advice?

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it depends on your dimensions and how high you want it. Im trying to order a par38 with 60 degree optics and plan to hang it roughly a foot over my sqaure 8 gallon

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If I went with the par80 what height would you suggest to hang it at? Also would this light potentially be enough for a maxi mini that was close to the top of the tank? (not sure about getting maxi mini would just like to know ;) ).

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If I went with the par80 what height would you suggest to hang it at? Also would this light potentially be enough for a maxi mini that was close to the top of the tank? (not sure about getting maxi mini would just like to know ;) ).


Don't confuse the PAR38 with the 80 degree optics. PAR38 simply refers to the diameter of the lamp size and has nothing to do with optic angles or the about of PAR it outputs.


Your tank is quite small so you should be fine with whichever optic angle you decide to go with. Just make sure to light acclimate it so your corals and critters will be happier! :D

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My 20L tank now has only 1 par38 on it. 60 degree optic. The tank is 30" wide, the bulb is placed about 1foot above the water surface. Check out my thread for pics of the spread of light on it.

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