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Pod Your Reef

200 Gallon Cube


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This is the familes tank... But in my mind all of the corals belong to me :lol:


Ill be fragging the nice chalices and sps... and this amazing people eater that I LOVE!!!


Enjoy the pics, sorry they arnt great but I will be getting a nice macro camera soon and taking some classes on how to use it.




























And My Little Office Tank.


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What kind of tang is in picture 10 not blue hippo the other? Also what kind of tang in picture 11? Any chance of zooming out for a picture of stand and light ?


The Achilles tang? Those are about the coolest tangs ever :)


One in 11 is a Kole eye tang.

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I hope it's ok to answer for the OP. The one in pic 10 is an achilles tang and the one in 11 looks like a yellow eye kole tang.


edit: beat me to it


Unfortunately, although achilles tangs are gorgeous, they are extremely sensitive to environmental changes and are very succeptible to ich. And they are agressive to other tangs in all but huge tanks.

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Thanks everyone, and yes thats our achilles tang. He is one of the funniest fish iv been around.

I feel that fish are just like people, some people are killers some are saints. We have just been lucky and we seem to always get nice fish. Many follow the rule of 1 tang per species a tank... I think its hog wash lol.


Ill take better pics of the entire setup by tonight.


Thanks everyone!!


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Nice tank! Your achilles is gorgeous, I love those guys. The ones we've had have always been big pushovers, great fish if you have a tank for them.


I too would like to see an equipment list. And if you ever frag those paly grandis (or at least that's what they look like), put me down for some. :)

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