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Corals touching corals


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I want to move my torch coral to a different place in my tank. The only thing Im worried about is when it gets bigger and my frogspawn gets bigger that they will touch and kill each other. Is this the case or since they are basically the same type of coral would they both be ok?

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I want to move my torch coral to a different place in my tank. The only thing Im worried about is when it gets bigger and my frogspawn gets bigger that they will touch and kill each other. Is this the case or since they are basically the same type of coral would they both be ok?


I've had no problem with my frogspawn touching my hammer and even though the torch is related, i wouldn't put a torch near any other corals.




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I know not to put them near other corals but as far as similar like frogspawn, torch, hammer. Do they effect each other at all and how much can they touch because I know they each have different stinging power.

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Torch corals seem to be one of the most aggressive corals out there. The safest corals to put near it would probably be other Euphyllias (frogspawn, hammer corals and other torches), but I don't think anyone can guarantee the safety of your torch's neighbours.

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Torches definitely sting other euphyllia. It's kinda like this Torch > Hammer > Frogspawn in terms of stinging potential. The Frog and Hammer are relatively close, so they may sting eachother but not enough to piss one another off. The torch will definitely sting both Hammers and Frogspawns, I'm speaking from experience.

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