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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Help brain is dying!


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Coral 911 - my brain is dying! The skeleton is receding and it's sliming! I tested my water, no ammonia or nitrates. Salinity was slightly high, 1.27 and is normally 1.25, so I fixed that. Any other suggestions?! I haven't changed anything lately, and all other corals and fish are doing fine!




This is a copy from my tank journal but I thought I might get more help here! Thanks!

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Haha yeah that was a typo. And I don't have a test for alk or calc.. And it is definitely losing flesh, not just closed up. I don't know if there's anything I can do for it...

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Haha yeah that was a typo. And I don't have a test for alk or calc.. And it is definitely losing flesh, not just closed up. I don't know if there's anything I can do for it...

depends on how much flesh... water changes are your best friend

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Haha yeah that was a typo. And I don't have a test for alk or calc.. And it is definitely losing flesh, not just closed up. I don't know if there's anything I can do for it...


Go to your LFS and have it tested, and post back the #'s you should test these when you have corals

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