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Alk demand out of control advice please


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I recently have been noticing significant coral growth within my various colonies and I'm now having trouble keeping my alkalinity in range. Para. 78-79 salinity 1.025 ph 8.3 Ca 420 alk 7 dkh Mg 1500 ppm . Testing will all salifert test kits. Using rodi at.. 2ppm tds. I have been dosing like 30 ml of brightwell part B A DAY and still can't get it into 9 range


40 breeder

150w phoenix halide 2x 36" reefbrite Led's one 460nm one 420nm

Reef octupus bh 800si skimmer with sicce pump red devil mod

2 mp10w.

Tunze osmolater universal

Peristolic pump dosing. Kalkwasser

Using sea chem reef salt


Undetectable phos I'm running chemipure elite carbon but I'm out of ideas this is crazy..

.maybe all the corales demand a lot of alk now? Coralline algea?

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7 is okay. if your corals look fine, don't chase the alk around. I believe alk of natural sea water is between 7-8 dkh, so you are fine. as long as your cal/mag are normal levels, alk of 7-8 is fine

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That really isn't all that much. Mix some kalk at half dosage in your ATO and see if it maintains, if it is still dropping, up the dose up to its full potency of 2 tsp/gallon of top off water. My 40b will drop about 2.5dkh per day without the kalk dosing. Dose your 2 part each day to bring alk back to the level you need it at until you figure out the potency of kalk needed maintain your target number.


If you don't have a sump, lets assume you have approx 35 gallons, if you use the DYI 2 part of alk, which Brightwells should be pretty close to, you would need to dose 50ml/day to maintain a 2dkh drop

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Well to maintain a 1 dkh drop a day for a 40 br how much 2 tsp per g of kalk would I have to drip?


Cuz I don't wanna put my tunze osmolator pump in that kalk. I have a separate 1 g container with a peristolic pump 1.1 ml a minute I'm trying to automate it at night with kalk full strength out of a 1 gallon

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Try .25gal/day and test each day and adjust accordingly. Just spread the kalk dosing over at least 5 hrs so that you don't raise the PH dramatically throughout the day.

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