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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Fish poop settling on sand


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Alright so i have a newly established tank, and the first fish i added was a bicolor blenny and for some reason he has his morning constitution a lot, haha, ive never really had this problem with my other tanks but you can see it all over the sand. Would more flow help keep it off the sand and into the filter? Or is there a sand sifter or something that i could get?

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ill have to get a power head when i get the money.. have any suggestions for great sand sifters? i have nassarius snails already

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I use nassarius and a YWG/PS pair to keep my sand stirred up. I also stir portions of it up myself from time to time, like before a WC.


Increasing the flow is your answer.

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I use nassarius and a YWG/PS pair to keep my sand stirred up. I also stir portions of it up myself from time to time, like before a WC.


Increasing the flow is your answer.


well i intened to get a yahsa/pistol pair, but hopefully the flow with agitate the sand more


fighting conchs are hands down the best at keeping the sand bed clean.


Arent they aggressive though?

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Yeah they might be aggressive towards algae on the bottom of the tank. They will try to spike you with their foot if you pick them up though. They're harmless otherwise.

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well i intened to get a yahsa/pistol pair, but hopefully the flow with agitate the sand more


Well from the way you described it, you don't really need to agitate the sand much more, you just need more flow to carry detritus off the sandbed and into the water column so it can be filtered out. You've got some nassarius snails so just up the flow and you'll be good.

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  • 4 years later...

I am new to saltwater but have been out there learning all I can. My tank is about 4 months old and doing fantastic. One of the chores I hatred was cleaning fish poop off of sand. You suck up all of your sand an still don't get all of the fish poop. I tried attaching my turkey baster to the end of my siphon by removing the bulb from the baster and shoving the siphon hose down into the basted tube. It works great. Removes very little sand and allows you to get in tight areas. Don't know if this idea has been out there before but the results are fantastic.

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