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Shrimp like ID?


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I have been seeing this guy swimming the tank at night, and finally got a pic of it. This thing is a very fast swimmer and only comes out at night. I have been looking and looking for an ID on the web just cant seem to match it up to anything. It has what looks like a shrimp tail and has many legs, hard to tell how many.


Here it is:




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Evil parasitic isopod. Watch out when you put your hands in the tank, they latch on really quick!! Remove it before you put fish in there.

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Well i caught this little sob, forgot to take a pic but I threw him in my 10g no fish in there. I Couldnt bring myself to kill the little guy. He has really grey eyes not black beady soul stealing eyes like the other pics of isopods ive seen.


It did not bother any fish, in fact it just swam right past them plenty of times. Not sure if it is a parasitic isopod or not but didnt want to chance it.

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