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rip off???


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THis fixture has been posted on here before. A few people have bought them, but have yet to share the results. The fixture itself is pretty big. You can get the same fixture for less at Home Depot (especially since you don't have to pay shipping).


This add is very misleading and is actually false advertising in the manner that they present it. It is impossible to have a light using 65 watts have 500 watts output. If anything it will have less than 65 watts output after ballast losses etc. What it should read is that it gives off x number of lumens, which is equivalent to the number of lumens given off by an x watt MH or compact flourescent. Based on the manner in which this individual has presented his adverstising I would opt to find another source for this fixture if you decide to use it. Don't support this sort of misadvertising in the industry. I would also tell you to look at his Ebay reviews. He has a high rateing of 98% good rports, but if you look through the comments there are alot of repeat posts and by this I mean the same person posting 8 times in a row on the same day. Can you say something smells fishy?


He also states that he uses them on his reef tank and is very pleased withthe results, but if you look at the picture of his reef tank it isn't exactly a thriveing community.



On another thread I linked a horticulture thread where they couldn't get seedlings to grow at a distance of 10 inches using this fixture. I'm not sure if that tells you anything.

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matt the fiddler



i know for sure halogen causes bad algaes and all evil animals to spawn and take over your tank...


well, mabye just the first...

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oh wait i have seen that before it's not worth it totally misleading its a 65 compact that is as effiecent as 550 incadesent bulbs as light output. but not as effiecent as 550watts of pc or mh or anything close i ahve those types of bulbs all over house to try and save electricty save your money and get something good

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Yeah, I bought one of those bulbs from Home Depot for my 'fuge. Anyway, I hooked it up, and the thing was about as bright as my 13 watt PC.

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i have one of the florex fixtures and for the 25 bucks i paid for it ...you really cant beat it .....its super bright and the color isnt so bad .... i think it would be fine for a ten gal...i would get it from someone else tho.......just my 2

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