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Would you do a skimmer on 40B?


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I was reading the articles and it was saying for a 20 gallon you really don't need a skimmer. Would this be true for a 40 breeder with a 20 gallon sump containing about 50 pounds of rock and maybe 20 pounds of sand?

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All about what you wanna do. When I upgrade it'll be a 50G tank with a sump ~20G and I plan on going full refugium but may add a skimmer later on.


But at this size I would start to seriously consider a skimmer, a wise investment imo

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This tank is pretty much going to be for curing dead rock now til I move to a bigger place and am able to setup a 120. I'll get about a pound of live sand and maybe 5 pounds of live rock from the LFS along with 20 pounds of dead sand and 45 dead rock. I figure that the live stuff will seed the dead and when it's upgrade time I'm a little ahead of the game.

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Although it is mostly for that I do wanna keep a pair of clowns in and some low-light corals. Pretty much a nano-reef until I upgrade.

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I'd just buy one big enough for your new 120g and then it will be broken in when you upgrade.




I'm really happy with the BM NAC7 on my 40br. Allows me to stock heavily and will work on a much larger tank should I decide to go bigger.

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Get a skimmer....bigger is better. My system is aprox 40gal and I run a Reef Octopus NWB-150...rated at 150 gallon system. a fug is a good idea too, but also make is big...at least half the volume of your display. This is only my opinion, but it works for me.

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Get a skimmer....bigger is better. My system is aprox 40gal and I run a Reef Octopus NWB-150...rated at 150 gallon system. a fug is a good idea too, but also make is big...at least half the volume of your display. This is only my opinion, but it works for me.



why would you want a skimmer way overrated? so it can skim one day then do nothing for days.I have a 110 on my 57 and its overkill even.I now removed it and my lps is looking tons better the last month or so.Any pics of your system to show how well it works?

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why would you want a skimmer way overrated? so it can skim one day then do nothing for days.I have a 110 on my 57 and its overkill even.I now removed it and my lps is looking tons better the last month or so.Any pics of your system to show how well it works?

Because he's upgrading to a 120g.....no sense buying separate skimmers fo the 40g and then again for the 120g IMO. Just buy an appropriate sized skimmer for the 120g, use it for now on the 40g and then you are all set when you upgrade.

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I am planning on upgrading to a ~40 DT with ~20 sump and I will be using a skimmer. That decision is based off most of my research and a desire to keep SPS.

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It's all opinion.


I would never be without a skimmer though, unless it was like a 2 gallon tank. Anything from 10 gals on I'll always have a skimmer.

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