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first 3 steps...20L


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Do I put the live sand and water first than live rock the next day or do I put the water first THAN live sand THAN live rock...what is hte right steps in doing this.


I have heard you shouldn't put LS until the water is at least 24 hrs mixed/filtered.

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rock first (for stability), then sand, then water. in one day. but use well dissolved SW, that has been sitting for a day.


where am I supposed to get 20g worth ofbuckets loll.

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local mega mart. in the plastic trash can isle


EDIT: and for the love of the lord do not just clean out a used can. also, you will need a siphon (which you should already have)

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Do I put the live sand and water first than live rock the next day or do I put the water first THAN live sand THAN live rock...what is hte right steps in doing this.


I have heard you shouldn't put LS until the water is at least 24 hrs mixed/filtered.



For this, you don't need 24 hours, a couple will be fine. I'd add the sand, put a cereal bowl down on it, and pour in the water. That way it doesn't disturb the sand much. Let it sit for a day or two to clear up. Then add the rock. You can wiggle it deep into the sand for stability. This way it won't get all that sediment on it.


It's preference really. You'll be fine either way.

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where am I supposed to get 20g worth ofbuckets loll.


all you need is 4 5g buckets.


if you are strong enough to carry them, no biggie.

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all you need is 4 5g buckets.


if you are strong enough to carry them, no biggie.


where should I get the proper water b/c on my last tank i used filtered water and mixed it with the salt, The water was near perfect but I am hearing to not use this water.

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I've always filled up the tank 60-75% with water first. Add the salt, heater and powerhead and some extra stirring with your hand to break up clumps and it's completely dissolved and ready to sit for a bit before you add sand and rocks. I don't fill it up completely to account for displacement. Like sstuckey said, it's really preference, I don't think there would be one right way to add these.


Like squared said as well, building your rock structure on the glass leads to a much more stable formation. Especially if you plan on fish that will actively dig and rearrange the sand. Good Luck!

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where should I get the proper water b/c on my last tank i used filtered water and mixed it with the salt, The water was near perfect but I am hearing to not use this water.


get RO/DI or distilled from grocery stores if you LFS sucks

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okay I bought the tank, the live sand (some had brown algae small amounts of alerady in the bag, is that bad?) and a filter.


Does live rock need light before I put them in? the tank is without a light so I need to find a place to buy this for a good price, petco was selling it for $70

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