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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Prizm users cheap overflow


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Hi, everyone as alot of people know I run sump-less in my 20g sps nano. I run a prizm skimmer in this tank just because of room limitations. My problem is the protein that collects on water surface is awful. If anybody has ran the prizm tube type overflow(the one that slips on the collector tube) you know it is lacking. So after some searching I found the cure, it is the small Del ray black overflow box,it fit like a glove between the side of the tank and the prizm skimmer I will post a couple of pics with this from the top and the inside. Hope this helps out someone. I have one extra if anyone is interested.

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thats a good idea, i have the same model skimmer as you, and yeah, that surface skimmer they use is crap. I have to point a PH toward the surface to break it up, the skimmer doesn't do anything

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