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Something is eating at my Zoa


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Hey everyone! This morning I noticed that a few heads on my zoa colony have their skirts nipped at. I always see my hermit and snail hanging out right on the colony which worries me. Can it possibly be the hermit which is nipping away at my zoa?

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Hey everyone! This morning I noticed that a few heads on my zoa colony have their skirts nipped at. I always see my hermit and snail hanging out right on the colony which worries me. Can it possibly be the hermit which is nipping away at my zoa?


Those two don't eat zoanthid, maybe something else. Fishes?

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cheryl jordan

Your choices are


Asteria as already mentioned

Zoanthid eating nudibranchs.

Sundial snails.

Perhaps a hungry crab, but unlikely.

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Flying Bones

Do you have an emerald? I watched mine pluck my solitary bambam frag from the disk and retreat to the rocks...I couldn't react fast enough to stop it.

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Do you have an emerald? I watched mine pluck my solitary bambam frag from the disk and retreat to the rocks...I couldn't react fast enough to stop it.


He would have been sentenced to death by freezer for that one. :angry:

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they will?! ARGH!


Yup. It is only a problem for me when I don't have a predator like a wrasse in the tank though. Even when I had the spotted mandarin they went nuts because he wouldn't eat the bigger ones.

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