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Mystery inverts. Where are the coming from?

Phil K

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A while back an urchin appeared in my tank (must have hitched a ride from somewhere). I kept him until today. He grew to a little smaller than a quarter and I think it was chomping my zoa's. He turned out to be a urchin that is normally in cool water, but he thrived in my tank.


Now the very same day I bring him to the LFS, I just found a crab in my tank. Again no clue where he came from. It is about the size of an emerald crab but has brown legs with a white colored back. Does anyone know what kind of crab this is? I noticed him when I had my moon lighting on, but once I turn on the LEDs to check him out he crawled under a piece of LR.


Wonder what will turn up next.



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one time i set up a webcam and discovered crabs coming out of my kitchen sink drain and going into my aquarium.


Haha i had the same thing.... no wait those were roaches lol jk

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one time i set up a webcam and discovered crabs coming out of my kitchen sink drain and going into my aquarium.


wtf..... like in the middle of the night?

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