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Cultivated Reef

My Biocube 8


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So my friend gave me a Biocube 8 along with water from his tank and fully cycled LR. He also had some frags of coral he wanted to get out of his tank which he gave me. I was a little apprehensive about putting coral in right away since this is my first SW tank but he said he would help me out.


I believe I am going to epoxy the rocks together so they don't move when I find a setup I like. I am also still trying to figure out where I want to put the corals.


Here are the pictures from Day 1



Initial Aquascape

















Day 2



Polyps and Frogspawn seem to doing quite well.


Also, in the future I plan on getting a 120 gallon tank to run in complement with this one, but with one shared sump. Has anyone done something like this with a biocube? I have tried searching the forums for adding a sump/overflow to a biocube 8 and have not found anything great yet. Any advice/link would be appreciated.

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Looks like you're off to a good start, I always like seeing what other people do with their 8g biocubes. One thing I would recommend is moving the heather to the 1st chamber, you'll probably have to pull out the false floor to get it to fit but it's worth saving the real estate inside the display area

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Looks like you're off to a good start, I always like seeing what other people do with their 8g biocubes. One thing I would recommend is moving the heather to the 1st chamber, you'll probably have to pull out the false floor to get it to fit but it's worth saving the real estate inside the display area

Thanks, I am getting a new 50 w Eheim Jager heater today and I will be taking the other one out, I will try and get that heater in the first chamber or the second chamber. Right now I have nothing in the second chamber, I know a lot of people put chaeto in there, but the friend that gave me all the equipment has a sump i could use as well. So if I can figure out how to get this tank drilled i would move everything to the sump.


I am also getting a Hydor Koralia Nano 240 today so I am going to put that in as well.

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Hmmm, I think that powerhead may be a bit much for the tank, the frogspawn pulled back in quite a bit and the xenia shriveled up quite a bit. Guess I should have spent a few minutes looking around and seen that most people just replace the stock pump with a minijet 606.

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Hmmm, I think that powerhead may be a bit much for the tank, the frogspawn pulled back in quite a bit and the xenia shriveled up quite a bit. Guess I should have spent a few minutes looking around and seen that most people just replace the stock pump with a minijet 606.


I've got a MJ606 and have tried it with and without a hydor flo, and also with a secondary pump in the display - in the end I decided that the MJ cranked all the way up provides plenty of flow on it's own when the return nozzle's pointed just right, plus it just looks a lot less cluttered

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Oh man, I just found a great deal on a 125 gallon setup, I might have to take it, not sure what I would do with this tank then. Maybe get both running, I mean I have a FW and SW, what's another SW on top of that :) and I could plumb the biocube from the sump of the 125...

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The frogspawn is very happy with the tank right now.





I am probably going to pick up a Ocellaris Clownfish this weekend. I am trying to decide what I am going to do with the rocks/coral in here, I feel like the tank is a little crowded right now with the coral. My wife likes the frogspawn in the front and I want to be careful where i put the GSP because of stories I hear of that taking over. I could move the xenia or possibly take it out, I don't think that I like it all that much. Any thoughts/suggestions?

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Do you guays have any suggestions on a CUC, right now I have three turbo snails. I was thinking of picking up a few more snails and an emerald crab.

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Reef Hollister
Oh man, I just found a great deal on a 125 gallon setup, I might have to take it, not sure what I would do with this tank then. Maybe get both running, I mean I have a FW and SW, what's another SW on top of that :) and I could plumb the biocube from the sump of the 125...


I could think of plenty to do with the BC8.

Breeder Tank

Quarentine tank

refugium for the 125

Macro tank

Mantis Tank

goby and pistol tank



That is a nice problem to have.

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I could think of plenty to do with the BC8.

Breeder Tank

Quarentine tank

refugium for the 125

Macro tank

Mantis Tank

goby and pistol tank



That is a nice problem to have.

Yeah, it's a nice problem :) I wouldn't mind making a goby tank out of it. I would like some catalina gobies, but not sure how to keep the water that cold.


I was thinking about a refugium too, but the other day i found a 10 gall tank in my closet that I didn't know I had so I figure I could use that for the refugium.

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Yeah, it's a nice problem :) I wouldn't mind making a goby tank out of it. I would like some catalina gobies, but not sure how to keep the water that cold.


I was thinking about a refugium too, but the other day i found a 10 gall tank in my closet that I didn't know I had so I figure I could use that for the refugium.


I'd be tempted to dump/trade some of the more bland corals to make room for nicer ones. You don't have much real estate so you might as well make the most of it! I have a BC29 and I'm trying to picky about the corals I get. Your tank is looking good! Is the clown going to be the lone inhabitant or will you add something else?

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That is true, I am really thinking of taking the xenia out and the rock that it is on, I think that I have too much rock in the tank as it is. I also may take the button polyps out, I'm not a big fan of them either. My wife loves the frogspawn and I like that as well so that one will stay in there. I know GSP can be a pain to keep from taking everything over, but I do like the way it looks so I am going to try and figure something out with that. I like the yuma mushroom too, but I wish it was more colorful.


I dont know a lot about corals so I am not sure what is available or what I can keep in the Biocube.


Thanks for the comments and suggestions!

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So I took the xenia out, the button polyps will come out soon, I just need to arrange time for my friend to stop by and take it back to his tank.

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Yay, my clownfish, "Elmo", is hosting in my frog spawn. I was hoping he would. I need to get a pictue of it.

Awesome dude! Frogspawn is on my list too. Maybe in a few months.

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Well here he is hosting in my frog spawn, which is my favorite coral so far. The only thing I don't like is now that he knows where the frog spawn is he very rarely leaves it, including to eat. If the food falls too far away from the frog spawn then he doesn't eat it.




Obligatory FTS, I took the button polyps out and put in the powerhead. Though I don't have it on right now because it freaks "Elmo" out. I am thinking I will let him adjust to his new home before turning it back on.




Thanks for looking!

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