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Should i take out the snails?


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Now we all know Cerith snails are a part of a good clean up crew. I just find them unsightly as they lay around all day on my sand bed. I have at least a hundred of them. I really want a clean open sandbed without snails everywhere.


A little history on my tank;

2 weeks following my initial setup, i had your typical diatom bloom. 1 Month after the initial setup, film and various strains of hair algae appear. At that point I thought i could combat it by the use of GFO, macro algae, and water changes. I was wrong. Soon after that, i had a minor outbreak of byropsis which i quickly dosed KENT Tech M. Byropsis was put under condrol.


As you can see where this is going. I then purchased a 40 breeder quick crew from ReefCleaners. These guys really went to town and algea was under control with exception of a few patches of hair algae which is not noticeable unless extremely examined.


What do you guys think? Take out all the tiny Dwartf Ceriths and start vacuuming weekly ?. I really want a clean clear open sandbed.

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Deleted User 6

It's possible that the snails will start starving due to lack of food at this point anyways. I'd remove 1/4 of them or so and see how the algae situation progresses (give to a friend or trade for credit at LFS). Then either remove more or keep it at that level.


It should be possible to control algae without any CUC at all though. CUC is always secondary to good husbandry.

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I had the same question about a week back when I got my Custom CUC from reefcleaners since I was sent so many extras. I didn't even put all of the ceriths in there plus after about a week I took some out cuz there would eventually not be enough for them to munch on anyways but left enough there to keep everything clean

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It is likely after a month or so they will disperse throughout the tank and into the sand bed. I thought I read somewhere that they will go dormant if there is not enough nutrients.

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