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New reefer OCD


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if your fishtank is making you obsessed, thus causing you to do compulsions then yes it is ocd. ive seen a lot of posts on here about 'ocd and reefing'. an obsession is something that is DISTRESSFUL and causing ANXIETY. if your fishtank is causing anxiety/distress then you might be obsessed, and to deal with that anxiety you are constantly playing with your tank EVEN IF YOU DONT WANT TO.


that is where you need to draw the line, ask youself, 'do i want to do this to the fish tank' OR 'do i HAVE TO do this to the fish tank or im gonna be miserable'. if its the second one then maybe you need to chill out :)


from what i have gathered it seems as though much of the obsessing is because when you invest this much money and time into a fishtank and the livestock in it, you get attached to the item. attachment is what causes suffering because we constantly want the best or perfection.


reason i know about this is im becoming a certified therapist for anxiety disorders, and OCD is a very 'strange' anxiety disorder itself.


overall, i believe we need to take more time to just enjoy the hobby than making it a chore or something that upsets us.

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if your fishtank is making you obsessed, thus causing you to do compulsions then yes it is ocd. ive seen a lot of posts on here about 'ocd and reefing'. an obsession is something that is DISTRESSFUL and causing ANXIETY. if your fishtank is causing anxiety/distress then you might be obsessed, and to deal with that anxiety you are constantly playing with your tank EVEN IF YOU DONT WANT TO.


that is where you need to draw the line, ask youself, 'do i want to do this to the fish tank' OR 'do i HAVE TO do this to the fish tank or im gonna be miserable'. if its the second one then maybe you need to chill out :)


from what i have gathered it seems as though much of the obsessing is because when you invest this much money and time into a fishtank and the livestock in it, you get attached to the item. attachment is what causes suffering because we constantly want the best or perfection.


reason i know about this is im becoming a certified therapist for anxiety disorders, and OCD is a very 'strange' anxiety disorder itself.


overall, i believe we need to take more time to just enjoy the hobby than making it a chore or something that upsets us.


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