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Cultivated Reef

I should be sleeping..


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After lights out, it's crazy how many critters come out to play! At least 3 different kinds of snails, dozens of brittle stars (they are so fun to watch when they move!) A bunch of pods. A few unidentified growths on the rock. There's this grey pad with bluish/lavender hue about 1 inch in diameter with white spikes. It's kind of neat. Not sure what it is though.


I feel a little crazy staring at rocks for hours...

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After lights out, it's crazy how many critters come out to play! At least 3 different kinds of snails, dozens of brittle stars (they are so fun to watch when they move!) A bunch of pods. A few unidentified growths on the rock. There's this grey pad with bluish/lavender hue about 1 inch in diameter with white spikes. It's kind of neat. Not sure what it is though.


I feel a little crazy staring at rocks for hours...



Normal, we've all stared at rocks for hours at one time or another.

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