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hitch-hikers that came with live rock


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Got my cured live rock and here are the hitch hikers i have been able to find.


This guy moved from where its pictured to almost under the rock and then turns his head out towards the light. he doesn't get much though he's in a cave type thing.









this thing hasn't changed, moved or anything for two weeks.






both are very small, the soft coral thingy is maybe 1/4 in long anf the clam thing is size of a finger nail.





these began to creep their heads out now there are a few of them (3 or 4) on one side of the rock



and i know this might be a long shot, this thing is wicked hard to take a picture of with my lack of camera skill but its a small white thing that looks like a feather duster upside down. it hides in a little cone when it isn't out.









All this on 10lbs of fiji live rock in an 8 gallon tank

and help would be great!

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That's algae for sure :) looks like gha..

I am all but certain that is aptasia

The white thing is a pineapple sponge no prob there

Can't really tell what the first object its

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I thought the first thing was a big aiptasia , or do you mean the green clam thing?



I think the only thing to worry about is the aiptasia which i think i'm just going to handle with some aiptasia x if my lfs has some. if not i could alway take the rock out and burn them but i dont want a big black spot on my rock where the big one is because its in the center and right where people look.

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more pictures. moved the tank around a little to make it prettier before i add anything living that i paid for.


here's the clam thingy







and here's the new setup



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Did anyone ID these yet? One of my tanks has several (though they have green tufts), and this morning once was stuck to the glass! Must be a mollusc of some kind?

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those little things are aptasia so im told. bad news bears i guess...



im really looking to find out more about the green clam guy

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Hmm well I am pretty sure mine aren't. Here's a pic of one:



It recedes within it's 'tube' when disturbed, and has a bright green 'head'.


Oh well I guess I'll see in time!

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